Soul Travel

With Artist, Creativity Coach and
Intuitive Teacher Susan Seitz

Sun Kissed Healing Journey of the Heart & Soul With Susan Seitz

February 2020: Guatemalan Retreat

Sun ... Water ... Renewal will be our Focus
Inviting Mother Earth to Share her Wisdom and Healing Potential

Hotel La Casa del Mundo is a magical hotel perched on a secluded cliff with gorgeous gardens & stone walls, swimming holes & hot tub over hanging Lake Atitlan, Guatemala.

This retreat will have creative elements such as journaling, meditation, yoga, hiking, exploring, discovering, photography, and playful sketching & water colour pencil drawing components with lots of personal time to reflect & relax. No experience required and all activities are optional.

We will also weave options into the experience such as hiking local trails, kayaking, tour local villages & markets, Spanish lessons, cooking class and of course, the experience of immersing ourselves in the culture & enjoying delicious food!

1:1 Personal Coaching Session with Susan Seitz will be included in this retreat to create space to discover your inner wisdom.
Oh my goodness I just can not wait! This feels incredibly delicious & I’m feeling energized & renewed just by looking at these luscious images! Where do I sign up? Oh wait … lol … I’m the first in line.

What people are saying...

This has been a dream of mine for several years. To be in circle with women, to laugh, to love, to listening to the rhythms of mother earth, to invite creative wonder into the intuitive self for connection and healing, to soak up the colours of the land, all this, plus so much more! I am just beyond grateful for those who are joining me on this journey. You have all given me so much already … the gifts are being received and this journey of ours is just beginning. I love you all so very much ❤🙏🦋👣🥰🌿🐠🌞💚

February 10, 2020

Susan Seitz

Your Guide, Facilitator, Soul Traveller

I am so excited for your adventure! I think it is just too cool that two of my cousins will be joining you. 💜 Safe travels and we love you!!!💓✈️🌞

February 10, 2020

Beth Szynskie

Yass!! Cannot. Wait!

February 10, 2020

Sara Janine

Stay in the Loop about Upcoming Soul Travel  
Hosted by Artist, Creativity Coach and Intuitive Teacher Susan Seitz

Join the Creative Circle to learn more about upcoming Soul Travel Retreats, Art Shows, and Workshops 
as Susan Seitz shares her adventures, wisdom and love!

Travel and Renew Your Soul

Creativity Retreats with Susan Seitz